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Beginner Drama (ages 7 to 8)

What do we learn in Beginner Drama?

The following learning goals are specific to the Beginner Drama course in addition to the overall learning goals. All three strands (Voice, Acting and Movement) are integrated and covered in one course. We want our students to be able to speak, act and move.

Voice and Speech

In the Voice and speech area, students will learn the basics on how to use their voice to become a confident speaker. They will practise speaking clearly with the focus on articulation and enunciation, steady pacing, and use of different tones of voice.

Students will also build energy and control in their voice which train them to manage intensity and adjust their volume according to different settings.

Breathing techniques will be taught to sustain vocal strength and stamina, while acting in vocal emotion, including the use of filler sounds, will help students convey authentic emotions.

Working as a team, students will explore the art of choral speaking (speaking synchronously) to practise their listening skills.
Additionally, they will have opportunities to study animal voices to expand their vocal dynamic.


  • Clarity of speech (Articulation & enunciation)

  • Pacing

  • Tone of voice

  • Energy

  • Dynamic

  • Control

  • Intensity

  • Volume

  • Choral speaking

  • Breathe

  • Vocal emotion (filler sounds)

  • Voice Over

  • Animal voice


In the Acting and Performance area, students will be introduced to the world of emotions, learning how to express and control different feelings on stage such as joy, sadness, anger, surprise, shock, embarrassment, fear, frustration and hunger.
They will immerse themselves into the environment of a scene by using their five senses (smell, touch, hear, see and taste) to build up their imagination to help create a realistic setting.
Through the observation and study of animals, students will practise their instinctual behaviours, communication skills, and power dynamics between humans.
Additionally, students will practise independent reactions, learning how to respond naturally by “reacting” and believing in imagination scenarios.


  • Intro to emotions​

  • Environment (setting) - using 5 senses

  • Acting animal

  • Instinctual behaviours

  • Communication

  • Power dynamic

  • Reaction

  • Independent reaction (reacting by yourself)

Movement and body language

Anchor 1

In the Movement area, students will be exploring a range of techniques to activate the use of their body language and learn how to convey meanings through movements.
Students will develop body rhythm through musicality, repetition of gestures, and train how to coordinate different body parts.
We also cover a technique called tableaux which challenges students’ stability, body control and stillness. Students will use their body to create images to tell a visual story. Without words, students also will learn how to mime to increase spatial awareness and refine their facial expressions to communicate emotions effectively.
Through studying animal movements, which include walking patterns and shapes, students will learn to build a unique character body.


  • Choral movement

  • Body rhythm

    • Musicality

    • Repetition

    • Coordination (body to body)

  • Gestures

  • Tableaux

    • Body control

    • Stillness

  • Body images

  • Animal body

    • Walking pattern

    • Shapes and forms (e.g. character body)

    • Pacing

  • Miming

  • Neutral body

  • Spacial awareness

  • Facial expression

Stage Performance

All students are invited and highly recommended to perform in our end of term showcase in a theatre to challenge their confidence! This stage performance is included in the tuition with no extra charge.

Report Cards (feedbacks)

In every term, the student will receive 2 separate report cards (midway and final) commenting on their progress on achieving their learning goals. Parents will get a copy of the report cards.

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